
Understanding the Intelligence Quotient and its Measurement

What exactly is IQ?

Brain reading books and eating an apple The IQ (Intelligence Quotient) serves as a measure to gauge an individual's cognitive and intellectual capabilities. This assessment takes into account comparisons with others of the same age, gender, or educational background. It provides insights into an individual's intellectual potential. However, IQ only captures a specific facet of human intelligence as there are numerous other forms of intelligence, such as emotional or musical intelligence. In reality, there isn't a universally accepted scientific definition of intelligence.

What do our IQ tests measure?

Brain wondering... Our tests evaluate logical-mathematical intelligence, concentration abilities, and spatial visualization skills. These aspects of intelligence are largely unaffected by cultural biases, making our IQ tests globally applicable. Participants aren't required to have prior knowledge as these aren't knowledge-based tests that quiz or apply learned material. While there's no set time limit for our IQ tests, each task should ideally be completed within 60 seconds.

How is IQ calculated?

Brain reading with sudden realization Contemporary tests typically are based on the results of a sufficiently large reference group that is representative in a certain way (e.g. in terms of age, gender or level of education) and with which the test person can be compared. The results of this group are called the norm sample. With the help of this norm sample, the mean value of the tasks solved and the standard deviation from this mean value are calculated. The number of tasks correctly solved by the test person is now related to this mean value and the difference is set in relation to the standard deviation of the norm sample and the result is converted into IQ points. The larger the reference group, the more meaningful the result. It makes sense to restandardize intelligence tests at regular intervals so that the normal distribution of intelligence continues to apply.

How is IQ categorized?

Brain reading a pile of books IQ classification assigns a range of IQ scores to a category, such as "high" or "average," making test results easier to interpret. Here, too, there are various different approaches in practice. We have chosen the classification below, which provides six different categories for IQ ranges.

Very superior > 129
Superior 120 - 129
Above average 110 - 119
Average 90 - 109
Below average 80 - 89
Borderline < 80

Also read...

The Benefits of IQ Training
The Significance of IQ Tests

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